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Writer's pictureDarryl Mayo

Love All: YES / Accept All: YES / Agree with All: NO.

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

Natural human behavior is accepting, loving and agreeing with others that share our belief's, that's not a hard thing to do. But, what happens when we don't share the same belief's theologically, politically, or socially and we decide to discuss them? Generally, after a heated discussion or debate, relationships can and do end or at the very least, the relationship is never the same. But as Jesus said in Matthew 5:46, “If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that?” There are many examples in scripture where Jesus was showing love to those who did not share the beliefs as Him and He was frequently chastised for this.

Our love for another person should be found in our acceptance of them and not our agreement with choices they may or may not make. We can have friendships and relationships with others by accepting them and loving them and not agree with their beliefs, feelings, decisions and actions and vice versa. Just keep in mind that love relies on acceptance, not agreement.

Look at how Jesus lived this out in his life:

  • Jesus accepted Peter, but didn’t approve of his racism that Paul eventually confronted him on (Gal. 2:11-16).

  • Jesus loved John and James but didn’t affirm their desire to destroy a town (Lk. 9:54-55).

  • Jesus didn’t “write off” a legalistic Pharisee named Nicodemus, but didn’t support a theology that wasn’t honoring to God (Jn. 3).

  • Jesus was willing to value an outcast Samaritan woman by speaking with her, giving her hope, and refusing to affirm a history of negative relationship choices (Jn. 4).

  • Jesus defended a woman caught in adultery, but didn’t condone an inappropriate relationship (Jn. 8:2-11).

  • Jesus accepted an invitation to Zacchaeus’ house, but when he agreed with Zacchaeus’ confession he was also agreeing that his previous practices were wrong (Luke 19).

Jesus is our Lord and Savior and He showed LOVE & ACCEPTANCE TO ALL. He lived in human form on this earth and He set the example of how we were to live our lives. We, as believers, have a daily goal of being Christlike. Will we ever come close to meeting that goal, NO, of course not. We are flesh and blood and we will sin until the moment we take our last breath and we know that. Knowing that we can never meet our goal of being Christlike should not be used as an excuse to sin. Anyone that would use that knowledge to sin is a person I struggle to believe is truly saved.

Please notice that I said: If a person knowingly uses the excuse, that "they can't achieve the goal of being Christlike," to sin. We all sin, but we don't all lean on the knowledge that we can't be Christlike. That is the same thought process as thinking; "Well, I will just go ahead and sin, because I know I can just ask for forgiveness and Jesus will forgive me." That is a very disturbing thought process. For those that have that thought process, please understand,

Galatians 6:7 says: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

Yes, mocking God, that is exactly what you are doing if you have that thought process and you're playing with fire. Again, I have a difficult time believing that a person that believes this way is truly saved. Becoming saved and truly accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior changes you. It changes the way you think, feel and the actions you have. The Holy Spirit now lives inside you and directs you. He directs your thoughts, feelings and actions. You will still be a sinner, but you will be under conviction when you sin.

One of the biggest challenges for me has been to love everyone, to understand the meaning of that love and to truly understand what it means to accept and love others. I am still learning. There was a time in my life that I definitely would not accept certain people that were different than me. If they thought different, lived different and had different beliefs than me, I didn't have love for them and certainly wouldn't accept them, I wanted nothing to do with them. A good example would be homosexuals, gay marriage, transgenders and the LGBTQ community. Listen, I know what the Bible says about it and I don't agree with it and I never will. That is a whole different blog and discussion I won't get into today, but all I'll say is this, Jesus loves everyone, No exceptions. That is all I need to know. I love the LGTBQ community and I accept them as individuals, I simply do not and will not ever agree with their lifestyle because the Bible and my God do not agree with it. I have very good friends that are homosexual and in a same sex marriage and I love them. My point is simply that I believe in the Word of God. I believe every single Word in the Bible and I believe it is a roadmap and instruction manual of how Jesus wants us to live. I do not just pick out the stuff that sounds good to me and believe those parts, I believe it all, whether I like it or not. The Bible tells me to love my neighbor as I love myself and Jesus put that second only to loving Him with all our heart, soul and minds, so it must be a pretty big one right?!

Love and acceptance of others isn't easy, but it is possible, with Jesus. Accepting someone/loving someone that you know isn't living their life in the manner that Jesus instructed is the first step in that relationship, what's next? They may be the kindest, most loving and caring person you've ever met, but if their "lifestyle" is against Jesus's instruction and you know they aren't going to budge from what they believe, the best thing and only thing you can really do is pray for them going forward. Keep them in your prayers and if God's will is to intervene in their life, He will. Just don't give up, keep the faith and keep praying for them to find Jesus and for them to surrender their life to Him. I believe prayer is the tool of change and you need to keep praying for this person and let God do His work. As believers, we can't change everyone or anyone for that matter, but it is our job to plant the seeds of change.

*Note* As far as the situation above goes, I do not think a believer should start a relationship with a person (that they are interested in as a potential wife or husband) if the person is not living in a lifestyle as God instructed, especially if they are a non-believer. The Bible instructs against this, because you are not equally yoked with the person. This too, is another topic that would have it's own separate blog or discussion. Clearly, it's really just common sense. Why get into a relationship when a person doesn't have your same beliefs in Jesus. You can love and accept the person, but it doesn't mean you should marry them and try to force your beliefs on them and be miserable while you're waiting for them to change. Jesus will make things happen as His will decides, not yours. His timing, not yours. When it comes to marriage, stick with people that you are equally yoked with or you will be in misery and live a life that is opposite of what Jesus has planned for you. So, use your head in this situation, it's common sense.

Thank you for reading this long one and until next time, accept and love others as Jesus would!

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