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Writer's pictureDarryl Mayo

Sin.....the worst disease we will ever face!

The most horrific and deadliest disease we face in this world is SIN.

Some of the most common symptoms of sin you may experience are: hate, greed, murder, blasphemy, sexual perversion, adultery, racism, segregation, idolatry, lying, cheating, alcoholism, covertness, drug addiction, violence, jealousy, anger, rape, human trafficking, abortion, immorality, fornication, stealing, disrespecting parents and others, pedophilia, worshipping false gods, people and images and putting them before the one and only true God, the Creator of the universe (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit), etc., oh....and also, death.

There is one, and only one cure to these symptoms: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior , asking Him to come into your heart and washing you clean of your sins (past, present and future) and repenting of all your sins and turning away from them is the ONLY way to be free from sin. God loves you far more than your brain can comprehend and His Grace is sufficient for you to be washed clean. I pray for all people that do not know Jesus, that they will ask Him into their hearts, He loves you as you are, you don't need to "fix" yourself before starting your relationship with Him.

Unfortunately, if you experience the final symptom of sin, death, without knowing Jesus or Him knowing you and you haven't accepted Him as your Lord and Savior and been washed clean of your sins, then you will, without a doubt, spend eternity in hell. It truly breaks my heart to think of one lost soul being separated from Jesus in hell for eternity, NEVER ending.

How can a loving God send someone to Hell? He doesn't. Please understand, YOU send yourself there, that is your choice to go. God gives you the option to choose, that is free will. He loves us all SO MUCH, that He gives us something we don't deserve, the free will to choose Jesus and spend eternity in Heaven with Him, see His face and walk with Him every day forever. There is no greater gift. Peace and love to you all, have a great weekend.

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1 Comment

Mar 20, 2021

This is so true, and I would hate for any one my friends or loved ones to not some day be in heaven. Great post, son.

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